Feeling A Wee BYTE Hateful.

So I wake up to an email from my ISP; you know… those Comcastards?  Anyway, I wake up to their lovely email telling me that I can now monitor my own usage so I don’t go over their very generous 250GB total bandwidth usage. 

I’d managed to put the BW Cap out of my mind for a long time.  But they have to go and remind me and force it under my nose by making me check it every month now.  So you digital idiots, here’s what I think about your Cap.  It, and you by extension, suck. 

You have all these commercials touting life on the internet as some sort of limitless experience with ever faster download speeds, yet, HOLD ON THERE BUCKAROO, it’s really not limitless we have to cap it.  Then you charge me exorbitant pricing because you are the only game in town and you don’t actually use that to upgrade your infrastructure.  No, you piss it away on stupid commercials and lame internet sniffer squads that scour the web looking for any adverse comments about you. 

Instead of flashy commercials with Shaq and Ben, internet thought police, and bandwidth limits, why don’t you spend some real cash on your infrastructure so my inet doesn’t go down every 5 minutes like a $10 whore when the fleet’s in.  How about updating some of that architecture and equipment?  Why not spend a little time on designing DVR’s that actually work? 

Oh, and lest we forget, this internet company has THE WORST online payment experience of ANY place I’ve ever been.  …And I pay my city water bill online.  That site was put up by a government contractor.  IT SUCKS!  Yet I’m able to pay my bill on the City’s site in about 30 seconds. 

But can I do anything about any of this?  No.  You are the only game in town.  I can’t get fast enough DSL in my area and you know that.  So you don’t care.  So I’m stuck with you for internet.  But not much longer on the others. I’m dumping your useless digital phone and probably switching to Dish/Satellite as well.  I know that does nothing for the BW Cap, but it will make me feel better that I’m not paying you as much per month.

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Conservative, educated, understands history, distrusts government, distrusts politicians, dislikes pop-culture, and carries a firearm. In short, I'm what The Framers of The Constitution were counting on and everything your government wants you to fear most.

The only thing I don’t have to complain about is some GI taking up space in my living room. I’ll let you know about the Civil Courts if someone ever owes more than $20 to me. ---If you didn’t get that one; sue your Civics or US History Teacher.

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Any Spelling, Grammatical, or Typographic errors are the result of my keyboard, public school Elementary education, or Secret Government Ninjas and not fault of the author and his flying through his posts at lunch time. If you see any errors, ping me and I will correct them. Ping me often enough, and I will make you my editor.
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Remove the spaces and convert the -AT- to... you know the drill. In VB Script that's: Value = replace (replace ("dantes firing range -A T- hotmail.com", " ",""), "-AT-", chr(64))

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